The Land Rights Research & Resources Institute (LARRRI/ HAKIARDHI) was found in 1994 and has thus been registered as a non-governmental organization. The Institute was established in recognition of the need to generate and sustain public debates and participation of small producers in villages and peri-urban areas on land tenure and other important related issues.
OUR VISION: Envision a society with a socially just and equitable land tenure system.
OUR MISSION: To research into, train, advocate for, and promote land rights of the rural-based and peri-urban small producers who constitute the majority of the Tanzanian population.
It is the institute’s belief that such debate will be better informed if there is a recognition of indigenous systems of land tenure knowledge and experiences;
The organization has three major organizational portfolios through which programmes are planned and implemented. Those are KNOWLEDGE GENERATION AND DISSEMINATION, PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT and INSTITUTIONAL MANAGEMENT AND PROGRAMME SUPPORT.